Already back in Year 2001 Lindinvent developed the probably smartest Supply Air Diffuser in the world - TTC. Today our product range includes several versions and developments that deliver an accessible, reliable, draft-free, quiet, and comfortable working environment with the lowest possible energy usage. Now property owners experience fewer complaints, they have a digitized indoor climate that can be monitored and maintained, they save money from smarter energy usage and they contribute to a more environmentally friendly way of managing properties.
ISQ - Active supply air diffuser
ISQ-M - Reactive supply Air diffuser
ISQ-F - Exposed active supply air diffuser
ISQ-FM - Exposed reactive supply air diffuser
ISQ-V - Active wall mounted supply air diffuser
ICI-F - Exposed active supply air diffuser
TTC - Active supply air diffuser
MTN - Reactive supply air diffuser
MTC - Reactive supply air diffuser
HTK - Active diffuser plenum box
HMK - Reactive diffuser plenum box
HTR - Active diffuser plenum box
HMR - Reactive diffuser plenum box
DAB - Diffuser adapter box
DAS - Diffuser adapter spiro