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ISQ - Active supply air diffuser



Additional documentation for this product is mainly available in Swedish. Please contact us for support.

ISQ is a smart and quiet air supply diffuser for demand controlled ventilation and room climate control. ISQ minimises the use of energy and creates an optimal indoor climate where and when it's needed.  ISQ is avalaible in two different versions; ISQ-200 and ISQ-160. ISQ-160 allows a lower ceiling height above the suspended ceiling.

The unit is equipped with Bluetooth® for direct communication via the mobile app LINDINSIDE. ISQ is part of INSQAIR, a series of products that share a range of patented technical solutions.

ISQ (The short version):

  • Complete & flexible climate control for offices, healthcare units and schools.
  • A diffuser with a built in room regulator and a motor controlled airflow valve.
  • Built in sensors for room & duct temperature, airflow, static pressure, presence, lux and degree of opening.
    Option: Sensors for CO2 and RH.
  • Connected via network to parent system with the web tool LINDINSPECT.
  • Equipped with Bluetooth®.
  • Communication directly with the device via the app LINDINSIDE.
  • Outstanding airflow range with a quiet airflow: 5-125 l/s, 200 Pa, 100 l/s => 24 dB(A).
  • Adjustable self-acting variable diffuser opening for maintained outlet velocity even at low airflow rates.
  • Offers the highest degree of flexibility in case of need to be able to change room structures in the future.
  • Available in reactive version ISQ-M
  • Very quiet.
  • Swift and easy installation.


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