Digital & smart properties - this is how we do it!

IoT has truly hit the real estate industry and at Lindinvent we are early adopters ! We are constantly working on developing products to facilitate and to adapt to the 21st century's ways of working. We're thinking; simple, accessible and smart. That's why we have developed apps to easily solve things in the property.


IoT and possibilities for integration.

We have developed a function that creates two things; less use of energy and better understanding for how a room is used. This has been possible by connection meeting rooms with outlook and school rooms with e.g. TimeEdit (with more integration options to come). The rooms that are not scheduled for use in a long time can be set to economy mode and use less energy but they can also be visualised to understand the level of occupancy.


In some properties the facility managers want to be able to control the temperature, sunscreen and lighting. This will all be possible in the app InOffix set for release during Q4 2019. InOffix also has a QR code based solution for bookings, error reporting etc and has a web based interface for admins. Read more about InOffix to your right.


In order to provide those who want to build something on top of our previously smart solutions, we have developed a web API. Almost all set values are there ​​as well as other parameters found in our system including logged values.


Digital + integrated = Sustainable gains in integration to low installation costs

We always strive for efficient and flexible solutions to lower the lifecycle cost of moving, reprogramming, configuration etc. Also, our products that require voltage supply have the communication loop in the same casing and thus there will be no extra cable wiring for communication. For those products that clearly benefits from being completely wireless, we have chosen to use radio communication in products with battery-free technology. Enocean's Energy Harvesting techniques is one of those examples.

By integrating the above system with each other, additional profits can be created. With products from the same company, there is no need to spend time and money on getting the systems to talk to each other. Visualisation in a joint interface provides an intuitive understanding of what is happening in the property. This makes it easier for the operating technician to make the right analysis and the right decision for action.

In case they don't find out what the problem is, ONE supplier has the overview and can help via the web-based interface regardless of where the property is situated. With one system that handles the critical functions of the indoor climate, the property owner doesn't need to have integration problems and discussions between different system suppliers if/when a problem should occur.

Webbgränssnittet LINDINSPECT ger full översikt på fastigheten

Webbgränssnittet LINDINSPECT ger full översikt på fastigheten

The cockpit of indoor climate...yet easier

All sensors are connected and can be accessed via our industry leading web interface LINDINSPECT for easy control and analysis of values ​​such as temperature, flows and carbon dioxide levels. The system has many parameters for optimal control and energy performance, all of which can be adjusted via LINDINSPECT.

If problems are detected with the indoor climate, this analysis tool is required to keep track of all values ​​and how they correlate. This makes it much easier to find the right solution to the problem.

Lönsamhetsbedömning i Totalmetodiken bygger på internräntemetoden, där varje investering bedöms utifrån den faktiska avkastning som den ger, uttryckt som internränta.

Lönsamhetsbedömning i Totalmetodiken bygger på internräntemetoden, där varje investering bedöms utifrån den faktiska avkastning som den ger, uttryckt som internränta.

The eternal question...

Each action taken in a company has an investment cost and (in successful cases) it provides an annual saving. In the links below, for which the authors receive all credit, we share a little methodology to get profitability in your project to make it smarter.

De ekonomiska grunderna i Totalmetodiken
Grön förädling av fastigheter – en lönsam investering?



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