We solve the "impossible" indoor climate equation!
Perfect indoor climate, low energy consumption, digitisation, durability, lowest life cycle cost and flexibility!
We solve this equation by creating attractive indoor environments that are efficient, productive and comfortable, in order to make employees feel comfortable and create value in their organisations. With the right products in combination with our competent staff, we create the right conditions and solve possible problems before they even happen. This way your project will turn out as intended and maybe even better!
What projects are You working on?
Safety ventilation
Safety ventilation prevents bacteria from remaining in the lab environment
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Top notch indoor climate in Sweden's most sustainable city areas.
It is a proven fact that our products and solutions are high class, ultimate tools in the journey towards sustainable and environmentally certified properties throughout Sweden. Read about our objects in Västra Hamnen and Hyllie in Malmö and Arenastaden in Stockholm and you will see why!
Read our foldersClimate smart concept solution that protects individuals and the environment
We can probably all relate to the feeling after a long at an office with bad ventilation. We feel tired with a beginning headache. At Lindinvent, we know that the cost of a person's efficiency loss due to this is several times greater than the energy cost of the indoor climate. That's why we have developed solutions to make sure that everyone wins. This solution is so good that it has been rewarded with two major Swedish energy awards.
Read more about our environmental responsibiltyProven Values
Sustainable properties signed Lindinvent
Our solutions are installed in thousands of offices, schools and hospitals all over Sweden.
Read about some of our objects and you will understand how we create a better work day for children and employees all day, every day.
IoT & smart properties - we know all about this too!
IoT, AI and digitalisation; at Lindinvent we keep up with high tech development. We come up with smart things but sometimes our customers come to us asking about possibilities to improvements or want a function that we don't actually have. Who are we to say no when we are passionate about innovation!
We want to facilitate and make it smart
By gathering everything in the same place, property owners and facility managers get a comprehensive overview and can easily fix and optimise the system. Curious?
Read more hereWe help you through the entire process
- Call us: +46 46-15 85 50
- E-mail us: info@lindinvent.se