LINDINTELL - Software package

LINDINTELL is a software package that is installed on a central server. In a coordinated manner it takes over all optimisation functions in the system construction of controllers and other control units. LINDINTELL is used as a coordinating interface with Lindinvent's system for demand-adapted climate control and protective ventilation. 

LINDINSPECT requires system software LINDINTELL to be installed on the server.


API - Application Programming Interface

In order to be able to pick values ​​from the databases created in LINDINTELL, which contain actual values, setpoints and parameters for the systems, our residual based API can be used. Via the API you can reach both current values ​​and historical values. This provides great opportunities if you want to integrate values ​​from many different systems into your own interface.

Talk to us about your thoughts! We have many variants and views in LINDINSPECT that can meet your wishes or we can build your ideas in LINDINSPECT. Please download our API description as pdf.






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